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concept of real estate auction legal system

How does the division of business assets differ in community property states vs. equitable distribution states like Florida?

What Is Considered Marital Property in a Florida Divorce? State law requires equitable distribution of marital assets and liabilities in a divorce. Each spouse’s separate property is set apart and not subject to distribution. Under the statute, marital assets and liabilities include: Any assets acquired during the marriage by either spouse or both; Any liabilities […]

How does the division of business assets differ in community property states vs. equitable distribution states like Florida? Read More »

Prenup Agreement

How can a prenuptial agreement safeguard a business owner’s interests?

What Is a Prenuptial Agreement? A prenuptial agreement, also known as a “prenup,” is a legally binding contract entered into between two people before they marry. The purpose of this type of agreement is to specify how assets and debts will be divided in case the couple should divorce or if one spouse should die.

How can a prenuptial agreement safeguard a business owner’s interests? Read More »


How does the length of marriage affect alimony payments in Orlando?

What Is Spousal Support? Spousal support, or alimony, consists of payments one spouse makes to the other during or after a divorce. It is governed by state law. When it is awarded, alimony is given to the lower-income spouse to help them maintain the same standard of living as before the separation. It can help

How does the length of marriage affect alimony payments in Orlando? Read More »


What To Do If My Kid Doesn’t Want To Do Overnight Visits Or Phone Calls With The Other Parent?

Question: What to do if my kid doesn’t want to do overnight visits or phone calls with the other parent? Answer: The advice to this situation depends heavily on whether or not you have a Court order directing timesharing, as you do not want to be in violation of a Court Order. But if it

What To Do If My Kid Doesn’t Want To Do Overnight Visits Or Phone Calls With The Other Parent? Read More »