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Love, new house and family in their backyard together

Orlando’s Homestead Exemption and Estate Planning: What to Know

What Is a Homestead in Florida? A homestead in Florida is defined under Article X, Section 4 of the Constitution. This law protects homeowners from forced sale of a home by judgment creditors. Because it is part of the Constitution, Florida homestead law is more enduring than the statutes, which are subject to political changes.

Orlando’s Homestead Exemption and Estate Planning: What to Know Read More »

Divorce, therapy and couple on a couch, argument or stress

Deployment and Custody Issues: How Orlando Courts Handle Military Service

How Is Child Custody Determined in Florida? Child custody is a term for the rights and responsibilities of parents to care for their children and make decisions on their behalf. Florida courts give no preference to either mothers or fathers and base their custody decisions on the best interests of the child. The term “time-sharing”

Deployment and Custody Issues: How Orlando Courts Handle Military Service Read More »

Senior couple meeting financial adviser for investment

Probate vs. Trust Administration in Orlando: Which Is Right for You?

Is It Better for Your Estate Go Through Probate or Trust Administration? One of the most important estate planning decisions you will make is whether to opt for probate or trust administration. There are pros and cons for both. Probate may be a better option for a simple estate with few assets and beneficiaries, while

Probate vs. Trust Administration in Orlando: Which Is Right for You? Read More »

Arguing about Parents Methods

Emancipation and Termination of Child Support in Orlando: Legal Considerations

What Is Emancipation of a Minor in Florida? Children are treated as minors in Florida until they reach the age of 18. In certain situations, however, minors may become legally emancipated. Emancipation allows a minor to be treated as an adult, either for specific or for all purposes. No child under the age of 16

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Graduation gap hat on US dollar banknotes money, Education study

Modifying Child Support for College Expenses in Orlando: Legal Aspects

How Is Child Support Calculated in Florida? Parents have a responsibility to support their minor children. In determining whether one parent is required to pay child support to the other parent and how much the payments will be, the court uses specific state child support guidelines. Under the statute, after considering all factors, a court

Modifying Child Support for College Expenses in Orlando: Legal Aspects Read More »

Payment alimony. Purse with dollarrs and card alimony.

Temporary Alimony in Orlando: Support During Divorce Proceedings

What Is Temporary Alimony in Florida? Divorcing couples may separate physically and financially before a divorce becomes final. They may live in separate residences and cease sharing income and pooling resources long before the marriage is officially dissolved. This can create a financial crisis for a lower-earning or dependent spouse. Temporary alimony is designed to

Temporary Alimony in Orlando: Support During Divorce Proceedings Read More »

Hands, fight and a couple with arms crossed

How does the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) impact the timeline of military divorces for Orlando, FL residents?

What Is the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA)? Enacted on December 19, 2003, the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) is a federal law that provides members of the military and their families with legal and financial protections during active duty. Its purposes, as stated in the act, are: To strengthen, expedite, and provide for the

How does the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) impact the timeline of military divorces for Orlando, FL residents? Read More »