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The Role of Advanced Health Care Directives in Orlando Estate Planning – Ensuring Your Wishes Are Honored

What Are Advanced Health Care Directives? Advanced Health Care Directives are legal documents that allow you to convey your decisions about end-of-life care ahead of time. They provide a way for you to communicate your wishes to family, friends, and health care professionals, and to avoid confusion later on. In Florida, these directives typically include […]

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How Can Orlando Residents Avoid Common Pitfalls in Estate Planning and Probate?

How Can I Ensure My Estate Plan is Legally Sound? One of the most common pitfalls in estate planning is not having a legally sound plan. This can lead to disputes among family members, unnecessary taxes, and other complications. An attorney who is familiar with Florida law can guide you through the process and ensure

How Can Orlando Residents Avoid Common Pitfalls in Estate Planning and Probate? Read More »


How Do I Create a Legally Sound Estate Plan for My Blended Family

How Can I Ensure My Estate Plan Covers My Blended Family? Creating a legally sound estate plan for a blended family in Florida can be a complex process. It requires careful consideration of your unique family dynamics and a thorough understanding of Florida’s estate laws. An experienced attorney is the best guide through this process

How Do I Create a Legally Sound Estate Plan for My Blended Family Read More »

cropped shot of woman taking off wedding ring and divorce decree on table

Balancing Personal and Business Interests in Your Estate Plan Post-Divorce

Why Is It Important to Revise Your Estate Plan After a Divorce? If you created an estate plan during your marriage and failed to revise after your divorce, you could be granting your former spouse decision-making powers and rights to your assets. It is essential to change your will or revocable trust and to update

Balancing Personal and Business Interests in Your Estate Plan Post-Divorce Read More »


Grandparents’ Rights in Orlando: Understanding Custody and Visitation

In What Situations Could Grandparents Be Denied Visitation with Grandchildren? Grandparents play an essential role in the lives of their grandchildren. Losing access and visitation can be an emotional blow to both the grandparent and the child and have a significant impact on their lives. Visitation with a grandchild may be denied to grandparents in

Grandparents’ Rights in Orlando: Understanding Custody and Visitation Read More »

Here are your options..

Estate Planning and Medicaid Eligibility in Orlando: Protecting Assets

Why Is Medicaid Eligibility an Important Factor in Estate Planning? A person turning 65 has almost a 70% chance of needing long-term care services in the future, as stated by the U.S. government on Of the U.S. adults who are 65 today, 20% will need long-term care for more than five years. According to

Estate Planning and Medicaid Eligibility in Orlando: Protecting Assets Read More »

Problems in Family Relationship

International Divorce in Orlando: Legal Complexities and Solutions

What Is an International Divorce? An international divorce involves two or more countries in which the spouses have a connection based on marriage, residence, property, domicile, marital contract, or other factors. It can be complicated by the different laws of the countries involved and by the difficulty of serving a divorce petition on a spouse

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Young Angry Couple Arguing Telling Their Problems In The Courtho

Contested vs. Uncontested Divorce in Orlando: Which Is Right for You?

What Is the Difference Between Uncontested and Contested Divorce? The dissolution of a marriage is a legal proceeding governed by Florida divorce law. The process involves making decisions on important matters such as child custody, visitation, child support, spousal support, and division of marital assets and debts. When a couple can reach agreements on all

Contested vs. Uncontested Divorce in Orlando: Which Is Right for You? Read More »