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Ways You Can Help Your Family Law Attorney During Trial And Hearings

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A family law attorney can help shepherd a client through their participation in certain potentially trying and difficult legal proceedings. Erin Morse, a family lawyer presenting the Orlando, Florida area invites clients and concerned parties to read this brief blog highlighting the actions a client can execute that might increase their chances of achieving more successful outcomes in said proceedings.

Specific Legal Proceedings A Family Law Attorney Might Partake In

Common actions family law attorneys will participate in include divorce trials, as well as child custody and asset distribution hearings. The role of the family law attorney is to formulate arguments demonstrating why their clients deserve to emerge victoriously (or at least favorably) in these endeavors. That said, there are numerous actions a client can execute to assist their family lawyer in achieving this objective such as:

Providing The Necessary Documentation

Winning most legal cases depends upon the production of adequate and admissible evidence. The presentation of important papers like tax forms, banking statements, pay stubs, housing deeds, vehicle titles and other important documents are vital to helping an attorney create a favorable argument on their client’s behalf.

Remaining Positive

Trials and other legal proceedings can become tedious and, at times, contentious. That said, the client should always maintain a sense of positivity. An outward display of negative emotions might not only place added strain on one’s lawyer but also invite the individuals adjudicating the case (a judge or jury) to formulate a negative impression of the client.

Displaying Professional Legal Etiquette

Should the case proceed to trial, it is imperative that the client understand professional legal setting etiquette. The Judge should always be addressed as your honor and other courtroom officials should be treated with the utmost professional demeanor. While the proceedings are ongoing, the client should, at all costs, refrain from performing rude and deliberately distracting behaviors including but not necessarily limited to:

*Rolling their eyes
*Fidgeting in their seats
*Sarcastically clearing their throats or vocalizing any other attention-getting sounds
*Mumbling derisive statements

Furthermore, the client should only speak when given the opportunity to do so and should always be strictly focused on the proceedings.

Creating A Proper Appearance

The appearance a client displays could have a significant bearing on the outcome. Said individuals should appear groomed and be adorned in professional business attire (suits for men, dresses for women). Inappropriately dressed or unkempt individuals might cause the adjudicators to opine that the client is irresponsible or possesses a lack of etiquette.

Being Prepared

Once a family lawyer formulates an argument or strategy, it is imperative for the client to commit to this plan and memorize the associated details. When lawyer and client are on the same page, they present a united front and stand a better chance of avoiding confusion or being caught off guard by the opposing legal team.

Not Attacking The Adversary

In many family law proceedings, the legal adversaries are separating spouses. Attempting to attack or discredit one’s soon-to-be former partner is among the worst possible actions a client can take. Rather, said individuals should work with their family lawyer to develop an argument that focuses more on their positive attributes and illustrates why an adjudicating body should render a decision in their favor.

Allowing The Lawyer To Perform Their Job

It is imperative that the client not bother their lawyer with unnecessary questions or interrupt said professional during the proceedings. Occasionally, events might transpire on the fly that requires attorneys to think on their feet. Repeated distractions might interfere with a family lawyer’s ability to make necessary adjustments and ultimately hinder the client’s chances of attaining a favorable outcome.

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